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That Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in the State of Oklahoma have the same opportunities as all children to be successful in a barrier-free environment.



The Oklahoma School for the Deaf provides a language-rich environment where everyone is empowered, encouraged, and able to grow




That every student is equipped for life-long learning, responsible citizenship, and productive employment in an ever-changing society.

>>    Unifies the community to make school improvement a priority.




OSD supports and participates in “Child Find.” “Child Find” is a requirement of both Federal and State law. It mandates that each school district will locate, identify, and evaluate, at no cost to the family, all students, ages 3 – 21, who may be suspected of having a disability. Typically, the “Child Find” process is completed in the child’s home district by calling the local district’s special education services. OSD may work with local school districts (also known as LEAs) throughout the eligibility process as a team member or may complete it independently, as appropriate. Once a child has been referred, an evaluation will be conducted to help determine eligibility. Eligibility for special services is based on specific criteria established by Oklahoma SDE. Parents/Guardians who need assistance can call the IEP department at 917-781-8226.

The school accepts referrals from local education agencies (LEAs), education cooperatives and parents residing within the State of Oklahoma. The LEAs are advised of all referrals. Admission to the school is accomplished through application directly from parents or guardians. A regulation passed in 2012 requires that information
regarding services available from OSB and OSD be provided at every IEP meeting for the students that have visual impairments and/or hearing loss. OSD is committed to ensuring that the provisions of IDEA (94-142) – Public Law 101-476 are met and towards this end, cooperated with the LEA’s.

When OSD accepts a child, it begins collaboration with the LEA, responsible for the student's services. Placement is reviewed at least annually to ensure that OSD is the optimal placement to meet the student’s needs. Should placement at OSD not be successful, the student will be referred to the home district. OSD will be available to assist in the transition back to public school.




In the fall of 1908, the School for the Deaf was opened in Sulphur and has continued here since that time. At first, the school was held in rented buildings that were in the business section of town. It was not until the fall of 1913 that the first building on our present site was completed and the deaf had a permanent school home.  

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Oklahoma School for the Blind